A   Beautiful   Soul

 Body Sculpting

Welcome to " A Beautiful Soul" Body Sculpting

The body sculpting treatment is offered by Dr. Victoria Terry, Traditional Naturopath as a non-invasive, pain-free body treatment to assist in the reduction and appearance of cellulite, firm skin, boost collagen production and reduce any fatty deposits that will not budge with proper diet and exercise.

Radio Frequency Cavitation is a functional treatment as it can assist in the reduction of loose skin, tighten up the extra flabby wings under the arms, contour and tighten a post-pregnancy tummy, reduce fine lines and wrinkles (on the face and body), reduce unsightly saddle bags and lift, tighten and sculpt your bum.

What’s more, radio frequency body contouring requires no recovery or down time. Face Sculpting can be done during your lunch hour, also known as the Lunch hour face lift.


How does radio frequency body sculpting work?

The radio frequency cavitation energy penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue where the collagen fibers are embedded. The local laser heat causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibers, the fat cells basically shrink and drain, stimulating the fibro-blast cells (part of our connective tissue) to naturally produce new collagen and elastic fibers. The end result of this action is tighter, smoother, younger looking skin with a visible ‘lift’.

Fat cells are reduced, and stubborn cellulite looks a lot less noticeable.

What to expect during a radio frequency body sculpting treatment.

The treatment itself is exceptionally relaxing. The technique is so relaxing, it’s easy to fall fast asleep during treatment. This is a non-invasive procedure with no pain or discomfort.

When can I expect to see results?

Most clients will notice an immediate result in the tightness of their skin, but results continue to emerge in the days following the treatment too.  Skin is remarkably smoother, and muscle tone is more visible.

in most cases it is recommended to schedule multiple sessions, generally 1 per week up to about 4-8 treatments in total.  The number of treatments totally depends on you skin response to the treatment, diet and lifestyle of the individual, hydration and the desired results an individual is looking for.

Are there any side effects with radio frequency body sculpting?

Normally, there are no side effects from the treatment however there are always the exceptions. Some people might find the treatment area is a little red or pink after the treatment. Any redness or pink tone usually resolves after 30 minutes.

Looking to remove stubborn fat, tighten your skin and improve your tone?

Are you a candidate for Radio Frequency - Cavitation Body Sculpting?

Schedule a consultation to learn more about this non-invasive, pain-free treatment.

Disclaimer: The content found on this website is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any ailment. Statements provided are based on practitioner experience and are not regulated or approved by the FDA. Always seek health guidance from your qualified health care professional before beginning any health program.

"A beautiful Soul" Body Sculpting is an affiliate site to"Health and Harmony, LLC

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